★Kowa Vantelin""★”Kowa Vantelin Odorless Pain Relieving Cream”★1364円★
★Kowa Vantelin""★”Kowa Vantelin Odorless Pain Relieving Cream”★1364★
ブランド名Kowa Vantelin""
商品名”Kowa Vantelin Odorless Pain Relieving Cream”



Kowa Vantelin Odorless Pain Relieving CreamFree of menthol and capsaicin for those who prefer a gentle pain relief experience. The non-greasy formula is great for people with sensitive skin・No Burning・Medical Strength・Non-greasy商品番号:KOW0009 商品名:Kowa Vantelin Odorless Pain Relieving Cream""